With speculation running wild amid the government shutdown, everyone you talk to may have a slightly different concern or view of what they think is happening and what is yet to come. Regardless of one’s view, if you’re involved with any aspect of the real estate industry, you’ll be happy to know that we are STILL closing loans!
Initially everyone assumed the worse with the shutdown because typically with most loans you will need to have 4506T form signed by all borrowers. This in turn will require an actually government employee to pull these records and submit along with loan files. This is a guideline implemented after the meltdown of 2008 to ensure that applicant borrowers are indeed making what they say they are. No biggie really…. Until the shutdown. Now there is widespread fear that without said government employees, who is going to pull those necessary documents required for closings? This will create a logjam of sorts and stop all current closings in their tracks, right? You would certainly think so.
However, we at Green House Mortgage have relationships with our lending entities who have temporarily lifted gov’t form guidelines and requirements. The key word is temporarily. They feel it is necessary to carry on business as usual to help prevent a ripple effect of what could be very inconvenient. Rest assured we are getting your loans closed. Whether you’re a realtor or a buyer/borrower yourself, we will take care of you. Why should we suffer with stunted growth and momentum while we helplessly wait out any government “talks”? The answer is We Shouldn’t. So contact us if you have anything new and you will sleep easy at night knowing that we will get you and your loans closed on time.
Green House Mortgage is a full service home loan origination entity in Tampa, FL and servicing the state throughout. If you have any questions or concerns with the article or simply need mortgage advice please call 813-732-3155 or email us at info@ghmortgage.com. We are dedicated to giving you the best mortgage consultation available. Green House Mortgage – It Pays to Go Green!